

Got A Ukulele run by Barry Maz is one of the most popular ukulele sites. You will find a wealth of information on this site including ukulele reviews, beginner’s tips, chord charts, advice on strings and tuners, a handy ukulele festival calendar and Barry’s famous ukulele rants!

Ukulele Hunt run by Al Wood is another top ukulele site. You will find lots of good advice on this site plus plenty of tabs and songs to learn. Al has a variety of ebooks in PDF format available for digital downloads.

UKE Magazine, produced by World of Ukes, is the UK’s only ukulele magazine. Features articles, interviews, reviews and give aways.

Kamuke Ukulele Magazine. Based in Sydney, Australia, “KAMUKE” is a full-colour, small-format magazine produced by ukulele players for ukulele players.

Ukulele Magazine. A ukulele magazine packed with information, reviews, tabs and interviews.

Ken Middleton: ukulele player, teacher and arranger based in the UK. Ken has tabs and ebooks available for purchase on his website. His arrangements include bluegrass, celtic and hymn tunes. Ken also owns Living Water Strings.